2024-25 E-TRAINING
Required Training:
Local PTA/PTSA Unit officers must complete annual training by EVERY September 30th to remain in good standing/compliance as outlined in the Local Unit PTA/PTSA bylaws.
(For those who take office after September 30th, you must pay and complete the online training within 45 days of taking office.)
The online E-Training and Quiz cost is $50 per person ​
Your payment provides access to the e-Training and quiz for the individual listed on the E-Training payment form (non-transferrable)
Quiz submissions will be compared to payment list. Only PAID trainings will be granted Compliance credit
Payment for training supports Arizona PTA's ability to host the in-person annual Convention
PowerPoints posted under the E-Training page are considered proprietary. Permission to use any documents or graphics MUST be granted in writing by Arizona PTA.
***for 2024, you must complete the PTA Basics quiz with a score of 18 or more, for credit.
If you paid for the in-person convention and need to complete any of the required trainings, ​
If you are a new local unit charter,
If you completed training, whether in person or online, and would like access to the bonus training materials...
Please do not pay again, please email training@azpta.org for the password to the E-Training page